Frontline Nurses

What have you learned from the frontlines of fighting the coronavirus that you most want policy makers, health care administrators and your bosses to know? If you were in charge, what is the first thing you would change to ensure we never go through this again?



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June 28th, 2020


1) It seems that N95's have formaldehyde in them. When I wear one, I can't breath both because of the tight seal and because of the antimicrobial whether formaldehyde or other. I don't chart in the patient home because I can't think straight until I leave the home and take off my mask to breath oxygenated non-anti-microbial air. My skin used to get inflamed and burnt like a sun burn even on my cheeks and neck that didn't directly touch the N95. My eyes, my throat all burned and itched.... until I outgassed my masks before wearing them (airing out…

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June 28th, 2020


I work in outpatient hemodialysis as well as acute dialysis which includes hemodialysis as well as other modalities. When COVID-19 arrived and multiple policies were implemented, the outpatient setting did a very good job designating clinics where patients would receive their treatments who were classified as Covid positive or other designations of PUI. As time passed however, I started to notice (exceptions) in the outpatient setting regarding prescreening of patients. There are multiple examples but one is a patient with a fever of unknown origin >101 degrees and shortness of breath. I would like to clarify that many hemodialysis patients…

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June 28th, 2020


Have enough PPE on hand

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June 27th, 2020


How unprepared my hospital was and is. I am interested in how other operating rooms and PACUs around the country are recovering patients. As a Florida PACU RN, the hospital I am working in is seriously putting patients and staff at risk. We are told that patients can not have elective surgery unless they have a Covid test. However, they do not have to have the RESULTS of the Covid test. If they do not have results (sometimes even if never tested) the PACU RN is required to gown up, N95 and all, and recover the patient in the OR.…

Tags: Angry, Frustration, Risk, Safety, Scared

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June 24th, 2020


I am ER trained and worked in critical care for many years, however the last four years I have been doing primary care. The administration realized my background and immediately sent me back to the hospital; to the ER first, then to the units. This was uncomfortable, but I was able to re-align myself to acute care.

I think the first thing we need to do is train all (or many) of the nurses in the hospitals to be ICU savvy. We are all RN's. No matter where we are in the hospital, we need to be…

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