Moderator Pick
March 28th, 2020

I am not afraid of storms...

I have always thought that we (healthcare system) waste so many valuable resources. Time documenting nonsensical assessments, infection control gowns, gloves and masks on patients that tested positive to MRSA 10+ years ago, etc... It makes me cringe when I think of the thousands of masks, gloves, and gowns I've thrown in the garbage over the years.

Now we are in this position where we don't have what we need and our nursing brothers and sisters are falling down all around us- I see it in their eyes and read about them in news articles. I think the worst one was the nurse that died in New York City... the headline said "Gay Nurse in New York Dead from Coronavirus." Even amidst pandemics, homophobia prevails.

Overwhelmed and saddened by everything I'm witnessing and experiencing, I am surprised by a unique sense of inspiration- like maybe something good could come out of this? Perhaps Nursing will get a chance to heal as a profession as the world sees our value once again? Perhaps this will be an opportunity to change how nursing approaches and cares for patients? Perhaps it will be a chance to address the nursing shortages, staffing ratios, and finally, look at changing the toxic cultures within nursing that causes burnout and compassion fatigue.

People are dying, but people have always died and I'm okay with death and dying. People are sick, but people have always gotten sick and I am grateful I can be present to aid in healing. People are scared, but people have always been afraid; I am reminded of the serenity prayer in order to accept what I cannot change and change what I can. We can and will weather this storm together- everything is going to be okay.

"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott

Tags: PPE, Safety, Scared, Supplies

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Comments (3)

Comments (3)

Thanks for this! Also cringing to think of how many careless N95 uses in my bedside past. Perhaps we will develop a sense of structure and understanding after this - shortages for home products are certainly making me think differently about necessity versus responsibility - learning to sail my ship!

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Hi Juliano:

Thanks for joining our conversation and sharing your story. What do you think needs to happen to increase the likelihood that something good will come of this?

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Cindy- what 'needed to happen' has already occurred! Our (nursing) entire management structure is failing us. Covid19 is not as severe of a threat as other potential pathogens. An unexpected mutation to TB could wipe most of humanity out. This pandemic is uncovering how delicate and insecure our profit-driven approach leaves us. Perhaps it's time for some new ideas, some new minds, and new attitudes. Let some of the older ideas and nursing theories lay to rest. Refocus our efforts on preventative medicine and go back to the roots of public health- preparing for situations like these instead of focusing on large reimbursement interventions and procedures.
